Community Services Directory

Vermilion County, IL and surrounding area
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Health Department (Vermilion)

Breastfeeding Support & Education

1 on 1 counseling offered to expecting and new mothers by a certified nurse/lactation consultant.

Please call 217-431-2662 243 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Women's Care Clinic (Vermilion)

Bridges- Mentoring and Groups for Moms

The Bridges Program is designed for women walking in their motherhood journey. The Bridges Program empowers, educates, and encourages personal growth. Throughout the program, women earn points that can be used in our WCC market for essential items (crib, mattress, car seat, diapers, formula, etc)

M-W; Closed for lunch 12p-1p-daily
Thursdays; Closed for lunch daily
Children, Family, & Parenting

OSF Community Resource Center (Vermilion County)

Childbirth Education & Feeding Your Baby Class

Free classes for families expecting a child. Check the community calendar for upcoming classes:

Children, Family, & Parenting

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Community Based Mentoring

We pair trained and screened volunteers with children and youth (5-12 y.o.) for the purpose of one-on-one mentoring and promoting a positive role-model. Activities include: spending time together exploring parks, visiting museums, taking in sporting events, or seeing a new movie. The possibilities are endless! Call us to make a referral!

Children, Family, & Parenting

Fair Hope Children's Ministry (Vermilion)

Convertible Car Seats

Fair Hope only provides car seats for families who DO NOT own their own car. The car seats are for children from 5 to 40 pounds. The car seats will be in the original container and Fair Hope will not install the item. The parent will be encouraged to visit with the Vermilion County Sheriff's organization (originally Red, White and Blue) for assistance with installation.

Children, Family, & Parenting

Fair Hope Children's Ministry (Vermilion)


Not available at all times. Crib will meet safety rules. A mattress may not accompany the crib.

Children, Family, & Parenting

Hope Unlimited Church/Danville Christian Academy Preschool

Danville Christian Academy Preschool

Preschool 3-5 Years $145/weekly meals included Monday - Friday 6:30AM - 5:30PM Accelerated Christian Education Danville Preschool is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Danville Award for three consecutive years. This distinction has qualified Danville Preschool for the 2024 Danville Business Hall of Fame.

Hope Unlimited Church Admin Monday -Friday
DCA Preschool operating Monday - Friday
Children, Family, & Parenting

Crosspoint Human Services (Vermilion)


Crosspoint offers developmental evaluations and developmental therapy services to children from birth to three years old.  Developmental therapy will encourage speech and communication development, motor development, social skills, and play skills. The focus of our experienced staff is to reduce or eliminate the long-term effects of developmental delays so that children can reach their potential.

Please call 217-442-3200 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Birth to Five Illinois Region 54

Family and Early Childhood Provider Support

Elevating the voices of families and providers to improve early childhood programs in Illinois. MISSION To create a statewide regional infrastructure that will amplify input from communities in the development of policies and funding priorities. We support the mobilization of communities to build and sustain equitable access to inclusive, high-quality early childhood services for all children and families in the state of Illinois. VISION Reimagining a more equitable Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system that respects family and community voice and works to ensure it is centered and prioritized at every level of decision-making in Illinois.

Please call for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Gateway Family Services (Vermilion)

Free Resources - Family and Child Support

Free resources for parents and caregivers! Life is busy. It can be tough to try and get everything accomplished. From the games to the dishes. From the laundry to spending time connecting with our kids. Life is busy. That can often leave little room for the critical things such as our mental health, relationships and helping our kids build positive skills for a healthier future. FREE MONTHLY COURSES TO COVER CRITICAL TOPICS 1. Want to Improve your relationship with your child? 2. Help! I'm rasing a strong willed child! 3. Grandparents raising grandkids

Children, Family, & Parenting

CRIS Healthy-Aging Center

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Advisory

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren is a support network at CRIS. The advisory program gives stress-alleviating assistance to the grandparents in the form of support group, fun activities, and various services, as appropriate. To enroll or make a referral to the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program, please call CRIS at 217-443-2999.

Children, Family, & Parenting

Fair Hope Children's Ministry (Vermilion)


Hair Cut - Appointments may be made by calling 217-497-1571.

Children, Family, & Parenting

Danville School District #118 (Vermilion)

iGrow Home Visiting

iGrow Home visiting is a voluntary service that matches parents with trained professionals to provide family support and parent coaching during pregnancy and throughout their child’s early years of life (up to age 3). Through partnering with home visitors, families learn how to improve their family’s health, learn about their child's development, access community resources, earn baby bucks (through D118) to purchase items (ex. diapers, cleaning supplies, breastfeeding supplies) from our store and provide better opportunities for their children.

Please call 217-444-1080 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Hoopeston First Church of Christ (Vermilion)

Infant Needs Center

Provide formula, diapers, wipes and other needs for infants and children up to 3 years old

Children, Family, & Parenting

The Salvation Army of Vermilion County (Vermilion)

Kid's Group

Monday Nights from 5-7 PM. Ages 6-13 are welcome. This is a faith-based youth group, and transportation is provided. Call 442-5911 to sign up a child.

Please call 217-442-5911 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Women's Care Clinic (Vermilion)

Labor and Birth Class

Free Labor and Birth Classes. Topics include: prenatal nutrition, comfort measures prenatally and in labor, what to expect during labor and postpartum, and more. Partners and support people are welcome to attend.

M-W; Closed for lunch 12p-1p-daily
Thursdays; Closed for lunch daily
Children, Family, & Parenting

Fair Hope Children's Ministry (Vermilion)

Layette for Newborn

A gender appropriate layette that includes items for mother's use with a newborn such as receiving blanket, quilt, sleeper, onesie, hygiene items, bottles, and a few diapers.

Children, Family, & Parenting

Brightpoint Healthy Families Program (Champaign and Vermilion)

Mothers & More Prenatal and Parenting Support Group

Piatt County: Mothers & More Prenatal and Parenting Support Group meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 12:00pm until 1:30pm at Calvary Baptist Church, 738 W. Bridge St., Monticello, Illinois. Meals served and childcare provided during support groups.

Please call 217-530-4040 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Brightpoint Healthy Families Program (Champaign and Vermilion)

Mothers Offering Mothers Support (MOMS)

Champaign County: Mothers Offering Mothers Support(MOMS) Group(prenatal and parenting support group) meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1501 Interstate Drive, Suite B., Champaign from 5:00pm until 6:30pm. Meals served and childcare provided during support groups.

Please call 217-530-4040 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

iGrow Home Visiting Collaboration (Vermilion)

New Parent Coaching and Guidance

weekly/biweekly home visits from a Parent Support Worker that is highly trained in Early Childhood Development. Home visits are based on an evidence based curriculum.

Summer Hours
Children, Family, & Parenting

OSF Community Resource Center (Vermilion County)

OSF Cares-4-Kids

OSF Cares-4-Kids is a pediatric mental health prevention program. There are 3 modules, which include physical activity, nutrition, and mental health prevention (screen time moderation). Each module is 20-25 minutes long and includes discussion and activities. We are able to deliver each module to 15-20 students at a time. If your school, afterschool, Scout Troop, or other children's group is interested in having an OSF Cares-4-Kids program, please contact the OSF Community Resource Center at 217-443-5611!

Children, Family, & Parenting

Women's Care Clinic (Vermilion)

Parenting Class- Raising Highly Capable Kids

Raising Highly Capable Kids is a great place to learn how to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children. A meal along with weekly giveaways will also be provided. Come join us at Women's Care Clinic whether you are a teacher, parent, grandparents, aunt, or god parents. We would love to meet you!

M-W; Closed for lunch 12p-1p-daily
Thursdays; Closed for lunch daily
Children, Family, & Parenting

Fair Hope Children's Ministry (Vermilion)

Play Yard

A portable play yard to be utilized as a safe place for an infant to sleep.

Children, Family, & Parenting

On Your Feet Foundation

Post-placement Services for Birthparents

We provide post-placement services to birthparents, ranging from case management, building community support through events/retreats, providing opportunities for small grants to meet goals, goal setting/coaching, and connecting birthparents to birthparents.

Please call 773-273-9645 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Women's Care Clinic (Vermilion)

Pregnancy and Childbirth Education

Women's Care Clinic offers free one-on-one sessions to promote pre-natal health, childbirth preparation, newborn care, safe sleep, breastfeeding education, and more.

M-W; Closed for lunch 12p-1p-daily
Thursdays; Closed for lunch daily
Children, Family, & Parenting

Big Brothers Big Sisters

School Based Mentoring

We pair trained and screened volunteer with children and youth (5-12) for the purpose of one-on-one mentoring during the school day. The mentor meets with his or her "little" once a week, typically over the lunch period. For referrals, please call us!

Children, Family, & Parenting

Brightpoint Healthy Families Program (Champaign and Vermilion)

The Bump Club and Bellies, Babies, and Beyong Prenatal & Parenting Support Group

Vermilion County: The Bump Club and Bellies, Babies, and Beyond Prenatal and Parenting Support Groups meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Danville Public Library(319 N. Vermilion St.)meets from 3:30pm until 5:00pm. Meals served and childcare provided during support groups.

Please call 217-530-4040 for hours of operation.
Children, Family, & Parenting

Women's Care Clinic (Vermilion)

TIES-Mentoring and Groups for Dads

This program is designed to empower men through mentoring, education, and personal growth. They earn points to use in the WCC market.

M-W; Closed for lunch 12p-1p-daily
Thursdays; Closed for lunch daily
Children, Family, & Parenting